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0 Saved degrees (to compare save at least 2)
GRF-NSC-MASFor registered nurses ready to progress to health leadership
Fast-track your career in healthcare management and innovation. You’ll build skills in nursing education and research. Prepare for advanced practice. Explore quality and safety. Complete a research project. Study with a leading Australian nursing school.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- Approx. 1.5 years full time or part time equivalent
Master of Marketing/Master of International Tourism and Hospitality Management
GRF-MHM-MASBecome a leader in the global tourism economy
Gain the competitive edge with a double degree and take your marketing career anywhere in the world. Get strategic and make confident, informed decisions across the complex global marketplace. Be future-focused. Play in the digital space.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 2 years full time or part time equivalent
Graduate Certificate in Global Development
GRF-GLD-GCEFind your place in the purpose-driven sector
Gain professional skills to help shape a better future. You’ll explore global politics, sustainability, public health, and migration. Study the theory and build skills to tackle pressing challenges. Unlock careers with purpose and meaning.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 1 year full time or part time equivalent
Master of Financial Crime Investigation and Compliance
GRF-FCI-MASAnalyse, audit, and investigate financial crime
Tackle illegal use of funds transnationally. Topics include forensic accounting and cyber security. You’ll build skills in risk management and governance. Stay on top of the changing regulatory environment. Lead organisations to manage cyber fraud risks.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 2 years full time or part time equivalent
GRF-ENP-MASLead policy to safeguard sustainable, reliable and economic energy supply
Manage complex energy problems now and in the future. You’ll cover energy markets, renewable energy systems, and more. Build skills in stakeholder engagement and project management. Get ready for leadership roles in the global energy sector.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- Approx. 1.5 years full time or part time equivalent
Graduate Certificate in Employment Relations and Human Resource Management
GRF-EHR-GCELearn essential skills for a career in human resources management
Upskill for your current role or prepare for a new career with this job-ready course in human resource management. You'll learn skills to develop effective employment relations policies, and navigate organisational complexity.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 6 months full time or part time equivalent
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GRF-DSC-MASTools and insights for work with complex datasets
Lead change and drive efficiency by unlocking the power of data. You’ll deep dive into data analysis, machine learning, and data management. Explore AI. Work with big data. Get to know best practice for data handling and visualisation.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 2 years full time or part time equivalent
Bachelor of Cyber Security/Bachelor of Business
GRF-CSB-DEGProfessional business skills for a competitive edge in cyber security
Thrive in today’s complex business environment as an essential cyber security specialist. You’ll get to know computer systems, data, and cyber security standards. Bolster your IT skills with a professional approach to problem solving and innovation.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 4 years full time or part time equivalent
Graduate Certificate in Commerce
GRF-COM-GCEAdd skills in accounting and finance to your professional toolkit
Steer your career towards financial services. Unlock roles in taxation, banking, superannuation, and more. You’ll cover accounting, governance, economics and data analytics. Study the theory and build skills to tackle various financial scenarios.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 6 months full time or part time equivalent
Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice
GRF-BCJ-DEGModern business fundamentals for a competitive edge in justice
Build strong business skills and a deep knowledge of the Australian criminal justice system. You’ll bring financial management and strategic planning skills to roles in criminology. Protect businesses. Stay ahead of cyber scams.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 4 years full time or part time equivalent