Why you owe it to yourself to study

You’ve seen others follow their passions into study, striding from an “I might” to an “I will” with apparent ease. But as for yourself? There’s a niggling doubt. A feeling of “I could never”. What if you could? Here’s why you should.

Woman holding baby working at computer

Sometimes, we can be the biggest barrier to our own success.

We spend years carrying around a too-hard basket of what we’d like to do with our lives, but seemingly can’t—live overseas, renovate the house, quit that job, study a new path. But with the assistance of our course matching tool, and the reasons outlined below, there’s nothing to hold you back. 

Below are 4 reasons why you owe it to yourself to study. 

1. You’re just as worthy as anyone else in the room

Granted there is no “room” per se when it comes to online study, but you get the gist. 

At Open Universities Australia, we believe everyone has a right to access quality education. It’s our purpose to empower people of all ages, locations, backgrounds and academic experiences to study. Put simply, it’s the reason we exist.

We have helped people who never thought they’d study at university level do just that—before going on to graduate and work in fields they were sure they were ringfenced from. In fact, many of our students are the first to have studied at university within their family. 

It’s your intentions and your aspirations for the future that make you a worthy participant, not what you perceive to be your lack of in the here and now. 

2. You’ll never know what could be, unless you try

It’s a tried and tested phrase for a reason, perhaps first echoed to you by a parent in the form of “gotta be in it to win it!” or “you don’t know unless you go!”

There is much truth to this sentiment. You won’t know how the ending to this story goes—the one in which you do, in fact, chase your dreams—unless you actually give it a go.

After all, your chances of succeeding increase by 100% simply by giving it a whirl!

3. We only strive for the limits we set ourselves

Here’s a question for you: Does an Olympian ever become a gold medallist without first being a beginner? Of course, the answer is no.

We are all only capable of achieving what we set out in front of us. If you never set yourself up to try to study at university, you’ll simply never do it. 

After all, a bird can only fly as high as their cage. 

4. No one else can put you first until you do

There are a number of moving pieces you may need to straighten out before study. 

Perhaps you need to figure out how to ask your boss for a change in your work hours. Or maybe you’re going to have to lean on your folks for watching the kids one night a week so that you can hit the books. 

All of this requires you to put yourself first, and ask others to do that too—which can feel daunting if you’re not used to asserting yourself. 

But here’s the thing. No one else can put you first until you do. Not your boss. Not your parents. Not anyone. 

It’s up to you to lay the foundations for others supporting you to achieve this, by supporting yourself first. Enrol and set up the goal posts for your future success before you expect the world to bend for you. The rest will come in time. 

Still a little unsure? Why not book a consultation with a student advisor to talk things through? They’re here to listen and help you map out a path for success. Because, believe it or not, you’re worthy of this. And more. 

What to read before choosing your course

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