Study & life hacks

Everybody needs a little help sometimes. We've got you covered.

Whether you're facing exams, struggling with memorisation or simply feeling worn out—boy, have we got some tips for you! Become your best self, in both study and general life.

Your ultimate guide to studying as a parent

Diving into study as a parent can be daunting—but with the right support and flexibility, it doesn’t have to be. We’ve compiled a guide for parents who are thinking of studying, with advice from others who have done it, and not only survived, but thrived!

Study motivationTime and stress management

10 classic Australian books to read in your lifetime

Find out from experts across the literary industry what their must-read Australian classics are—and be ready for a few surprises you might not have heard of before! 

Self improvement

Why you owe it to yourself to study

You’ve seen others follow their passions into study, striding from an “I might” to an “I will” with apparent ease. But as for yourself? There’s a niggling doubt. A feeling of “I could never”. What if you could? Here’s why you should.

Study motivation

Student scams to watch out for

Arm yourself with the latest information and stay safe.

Industry news and insights

How we can help Year 12s with lower-than-expected ATARs

No matter your results, you don’t have to lose hope in the career you’ve been dreaming up. Our student advisor Tandy explains how he gets Year 12s into uni, no matter their ATAR.

Study options

9 essay writing tips your uni teachers want you to know

Essay writing can feel overwhelming, but a few expert tips can make a world of difference. Your university teachers share their top academic writing tips, so you can plan, polish, and perfect your next assignment.

Exam and assessment prepHelp me studySelf improvement

Does your ATAR really matter?

And is it the end of the world if you don't get the score you wanted? Find out why the ATAR doesn't hold as much weight as it once did.

Help me studyStudy options

How does HECS work? The ultimate guide

If you’re thinking about enrolling in a uni course, you’ve no doubt considered getting a HECS-HELP loan. But how the HECS does the scheme actually work? Here's everything you need to know.

Help me study

How to pay off your HECS debt: the ultimate guide

HECS debt isn’t the most fun part of higher education. But it doesn’t have to be a headache. Here’s your ultimate guide to repaying your HECS-HELP loan.

Online study experience

Your guide to university as a mature-age student

Thinking about studying online as an older student? Here’s everything you need to know about applying for your dream course, getting in, and preparing for classes.

Study motivationStudy options

How to tell if you're burnt out

You've felt out of whack for a while now. Your motivation is at an all-time low. But is this just a phase? Or are you officially burnt out?

Time and stress managementSelf improvement

How to quit your job without burning any bridges

Unhappy at work and ready to move on? Learn how to make a smooth exit and part on good terms.

Career changeSelf improvementJob tips