More than just a degree

There are a few things you can expect to come from a uni degree. A piece of paper with your name on it is just one of them.


If you’re thinking about starting a uni degree, or have already begun, you’ve likely imagined the certificate you’ll receive at the end. You know the one – the document that says you completed years of hard work and are now qualified in the field of your choice. But here’s the thing. A university degree gives you more than just a piece of paper.

Here’s what you can expect to graduate with, alongside the cap and gown:

A surge in confidence 

The thought “can I really do this?” will probably enter your mind more than once during your study journey. And that’s completely normal. Self-doubt is unfortunately, something we all battle with from time to time. The good news is, there’s nothing that proves “yes you can... and you did!” quite like completing a uni degree.

When you receive your qualification, you’ll not only have proof that you could, in fact, finish that university degree, but you’ll have evidence that you can achieve whatever you set your mind to.

Soft skills to boot 

Soft skills include creativity, problem-solving, communication skills, the ability to self-manage, critical thinking and more. According to Deloitte, it’s these kinds of qualities that will account for a whopping two thirds of the market by 2030.

Lucky for you, with university study, you’re flexing qualities like communication skills daily. Every study period, you’re learning skills like time management and how to take on constructive criticism.

The keys to self-motivation 

No matter the topic you’re studying, all students who learn online have one thing in common: the ability to self-motivate.

Every week, you’re pushing yourself to log on, join discussion boards and complete assignments – all the while juggling work and family life.

Unlike an on-campus uni degree, where the tutor’s smile (or frown) is a constant reminder to keep going, you’re using extended skills in discipline to keep yourself moving. This will come in handy throughout your entire life.

The next time you’re wondering whether you have it in you to keep going, remind yourself of what you’ll achieve in the end. After all, it’s more than just a degree.

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