How we can help Year 12s with lower-than-expected ATARs
No matter your results, you don’t have to lose hope in the career you’ve been dreaming up. Our student advisor Tandy explains how he gets Year 12s into uni, no matter their ATAR.

Picture this. It’s the morning of your ATAR results. You open yours up to find it’s nowhere near what you “need”. You take a deep breath and... scream? Call a friend? Break down and cry?
While all of these options are understandable, they won’t get you into university.
Calling an Open Universities Australia student advisor, like Tandy, on the other hand? It will.
What’s the first thing you’ll do to get me into uni?
“We’ll ask some questions (we call this a ‘needs analysis’) to get the know you better—such as your interests and the outcomes you’re looking for, any previous study or work experience, your current and future commitments to ensure your studies will be manageable, and payment options,” Tandy explains.
“We encourage you to ask questions and explore thoughts and ideas too.”
What you studied in Year 12 will naturally come up. But the results you received won’t be central to the conversation.
So, how do I get in if I don’t have the right score?
There are many pros to studying through Open Universities Australia. But perhaps the greatest of all is the ability to enrol without an ATAR.
Student advisors like Tandy will get you started with uni by helping you explore and enrol in a range of single subjects available without entry requirements.
These are delivered by leading Australian universities online in a range of study areas. And while there may not be the exact course you’d originally hoped for in the mix, it’s likely you’ll find an option that will allow you to work towards the career path you’ve been telling your parents about.
“If you’re enrolling via Open Access (subjects without entry requirements, that is) you can become a university student by the end of the consultation!” explains Tandy.
What happens once my details are taken?
“Once your studies are organised, we’ll walk you through the process of what to expect when you commence your studies, such how and when you’ll log into your university’s learning management system (LMS), information regarding orientation week, and the support tools that you’ll have access to throughout your studies,” says Tandy.
What if I'm no longer sure of what I want to study?
Getting a lower-than-expected ATAR can be a cause for pause. While Open Universities Australia will help you pursue your goals regardless, you may feel as though you need to reassess.
“Our role as student advisors is to understand you as a learner. With all the options out there, we understand that looking into university study can feel like a minefield. We want to ensure that the chosen course is the right one for you.”What do I do to get in touch?
You can book a phone consultation for a date and time that suits you in seconds. You may even choose to schedule yours for the days following your ATAR results. It can be reassuring to know you have an option for accessing university, no matter the score at hand.
As for feeling nervous? Tandy has some advice.
“When it comes to starting new things, we understand it can be a daunting task to make that first step. But you never really know what you’re capable of until you try!”
“We’ll make sure that taking the first step is as easy as it can be—by addressing any doubts and uncertainties that may be getting in your way, helping you find a course that’s the right match for you, and providing support along the way to help get you closer to your goals,” he says.
With Year 12 done and dusted, there’s not much you can do to change your score. But booking a consultation could change your life. Line yours up today.