How to overcome maths anxiety as a uni student
Have you ever stopped yourself from choosing a course because it included a maths component? You might have what experts call ‘mathematics anxiety.’ Find out more about what this means, and how to overcome it, so you can follow the path you want.

For many of us, studying mathematics can have a negative association in our minds. Whether you struggled with maths as a subject in school, or have a built up negativity towards studying mathematics and feel anxious when tackling it as an adult, it’s a more common feeling than you might realise.
Leanne McMahon, Schools Mathematics Advisor at the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI), says while most common in young people, maths anxiety can continue to affect students as they progress their studies.
“Our research has shown that 33% of 15-year-olds report experiencing maths anxiety, with higher rates among females,” Leanne says. This anxiety can continue into adulthood and affect your tertiary studies.
So, what exactly is maths anxiety, and how can you overcome it?
What is maths anxiety?
Maths anxiety is exactly what it sounds like—anxiety in mathematics, whether that’s about practicing maths or studying it.
Leanne describes it more formally, as “an adverse emotional reaction to mathematics or the prospect of engaging with it.”
If you become stressed at the prospect of studying maths, or taking a maths test, and if you feel anxious about your ability to complete maths-related tasks or to achieve good results when studying maths, you may be experiencing some maths anxiety.
What causes maths anxiety?
There are lots of factors that can cause people to experience maths anxiety, with a common one being a poor experience of learning maths as a child. This can be made worse by the maths anxiety of teachers.
“From the work AMSI has done in schools, there is a genuine fear of mathematics (especially fractions and algebra) in up to half of all primary teachers,” Leanne says.
It follows then that students may be introduced to maths in a way that exacerbates their own feelings of anxiety, especially if they also have learning difficulties that affect their ability to understand and attempt mathematics problems.
Another big contributing factor is societal attitudes to maths. Leanne describes this as being part of the environmental conditions that can lead to maths anxiety.
It’s socially acceptable to say I’m not a maths person, but no one would say I’m not good at reading at a dinner party!”
If this is sounding familiar, and you’re finding that your anxiety about maths is preventing you from enrolling in studies that have a maths component, you’ll be pleased to learn that it is possible to overcome maths anxiety.
How can I overcome maths anxiety?
Experiencing maths anxiety shouldn’t hold you back from pursuing studies that you want to do. By understanding what drives your anxiety, and putting strategies in place to deal with it, you can overcome your feelings and excel in your studies.Focus on your mindset
The first and most important step is to tackle your mindset when it comes to maths. “Having a growth mindset can help you overcome maths anxiety,” Leanne says. “A growth mindset is the belief that anyone is capable of learning maths.”- Related reading: Help! Why do I leave my assignments until the last minute?
There are also techniques you can use to tackle the feelings of anxiety when they occur.
“Just as generalised anxiety disorder can be improved using mindfulness techniques, so can maths anxiety. Deep breathing and meditation have been shown to be effective,” Leanne says.
Set positive study habits early on
Another way to deal with your maths anxiety is to set some ‘rules’ around how you’re going to tackle maths-related tasks when they come up in assessments.
For example, you could always make the numbers task first on your to-do list, so you’re less likely to procrastinate and amplify the dread you associate with it. Blocking out specific study time in your calendar can also help.
Give yourself a reward when you’re done, like a treat or an episode of your favourite Netflix show. Not only will you free up your mental space for the rest of the day, but you’ll also feel proud of yourself for the accomplishment.
Take advantage of support resources
And if you’re unsure whether you’re able to meet the entry requirements for a course that has a maths component, remember Open Universities Australia is here to help. You may be able to gain entry into the degree of your choice through a bridging course in mathematics, or an introductory course that helps you learn the basics you’ll need at a tertiary level.
Importantly, help is available through our student advisors. They can point you to support resources that will ease your maths anxiety, like tutors and counsellors.
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They can also help you plan your studies in a way that reduces your maths anxiety. You might like to focus on just one subject at a time, or delay any maths-related subjects until you feel ready. Chat with them about what’s possible.
Maths anxiety shouldn’t stop you from choosing the course—or career—that you really want to pursue. In most cases it has nothing to do with your actual knack for mathematics. It’s a self-belief that you can change for the better.
Want to ask us about a maths-related course? Contact a student advisor to have all your questions answers. You can even book a call at a time that suits you.