
This unit contains mature or sensitive content and may not be suitable for some students.

This subject requires you to do a practical placement, please see Additional Requirements for more information.

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Professional Experience 4: The Internship


Previously CUR-EDC421

A final subject to demonstrate your attainment of skills, knowledge and attributes as an early childhood or primary professional. Via a 10-week placement, demonstrate you can plan for and teach children with diverse backgrounds, abilities and needs.

Study method
Online & on-campus
100% online
Enrol by
25 May 2025
Entry requirements
Part of a degree
13 weeks
Start dates
3 Mar 2025,
2 June 2025,
1 Sept 2025,
1 Dec 2025

Price from
Upfront cost
Loan available
HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP available

Professional Experience 4: The Internship

About this subject

  • At the completion of this subject students will be able to:

    1. demonstrate professional knowledge that reflects an understanding of student learning, content knowledge and pedagogy
    2. plan and implement positive, effective teaching, learning, assessment, moderation, provision of feedback, and reporting strategies that meet professional practice expectations 
    3. create, lead and maintain a positive, safe, supportive learning environment for all students that meets professional practice expectations

    4. demonstrate professional engagement in continued professional learning, improving practice, professional responsibilities, meeting of ethical, legislative, administrative and organisational requirements and positive relationships with colleagues, parents, carers and the wider community

    5. demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the responsibilities that comprise the role of the teacher/educator, including leadership, maintaining a positive identity and professional resilience

    6. generate evidence of teaching capability from the practical elements of the professional experience being undertaken in the school setting, for the purposes of completing the teaching performance assessment

Entry requirements

Part of a degree

To enrol in this subject you must be accepted into one of the following degrees:


  • CUR-SAR-DEG-2025 - Bachelor of Education (Secondary Education) (The Arts - Visual Arts)
  • CUR-SEN-DEG-2025 - Bachelor of Education (Secondary Education) (English Education)
  • CUR-SGE-DEG-2025 - Bachelor of Education (Secondary Education) (Humanities and Social Sciences Education - Geography)
  • CUR-ECE-DEG-2025 - Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education)
  • CUR-BED-DEG-2025 - Bachelor of Education (Primary Education)

Equivalent subjects

You should not enrol in this subject if you have successfully completed any of the following subject(s) because they are considered academically equivalent:

  • CUR-EDC421 (Not currently available)


Enrolment Information:
Please contact the Professional Experience Team (professional.experience@curtin.edu.au) requesting a waiver to enrol in PE4 during the relevant enrolment window below for the study period in which you intend to undertake PE4.
Students are encouraged to apply for the PE4 enrolment waiver as early as possible.
2025 Enrolment waiver request windows:
• Waiver window for SP1 enrolments: 1st January -23rd February 2025
• Waiver window for SP2 enrolments: 2nd April -25th May 2025
• Waiver window for SP3 enrolments: 9th July – 24th August 2025
• Waiver window for SP4 enrolments: 8th October -17th November 2025
To be eligible for enrolment into PE4 students must:
1. Ensure all other subjects in the degree have been successfully completed and students are in the final study period of the degree (no other subject remaining and no subjects being completed alongside the Internship).
2. Ensure all clearances are up to date and will not expire during the placement (students can check their clearances in SONIA).
3. Have their PE4 school secured, including the mentor and supervisor details, ready to upload to SONIA when requested. Students will be emailed a link to complete these forms which must be completed BEFORE the waiver to enrol into PE4 is granted (please note, this step does not apply to WA-based students).
Once all requirements have been met and the PE Team grants the waiver to enrol, students must then enrol into the unit via OUA.
Please note: Do not wait until your PE3 results are available to request a waiver to enrol in PE4, as this may be after the close of enrolments and no late enrolments are permitted in any PE4 subjects. Students are responsible for ensuring they are correctly enrolled.

Additional requirements

  • Placement requirements - The fieldwork for this subject is a school-based professional experience placement comprising of one full school term, preceded by five days of school observation. The term placement must be undertaken on a full-time basis in a continuous block. Please note that all relevant, valid working with children checks and clearances must be provided as requested prior to commencement of the placement.
  • Other requirements - This subject is not available for students who are under the age of 16.

Study load

This is in the range of 36 to 40 hours of study each week.

Equivalent full time study load (EFTSL) is one way to calculate your study load. One (1.0) EFTSL is equivalent to a full-time study load for one year.

Find out more information on Commonwealth Loans to understand what this means to your eligibility for financial support.

Related degrees

Once you’ve completed this subject it can be credited towards one of the following courses

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