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Bachelor of Science (Forestry Systems)


Course information for 2024 intake

Study forest science to become a degree-qualified forester

Focus your science degree with this forestry specialisation and delve into sustainable resource management and wood production. In addition to core science principals, this course covers native forests, fire ecology, wood science, and more.

Study method
Online & on-campus
100% online
Credit available
3 years full time or part time equivalent
Total subjects

Indicative total fee


Fee details

Available loans
Australian Higher Education Loan Program (HELP)
CSP available

Bachelor of Science (Forestry Systems)

About this degree

Entry requirements

Study method requirements

Career opportunities

Changes in the industry drive a continuing demand for degree-qualified foresters able to work in production, conservation and restoration forestry, in plantation establishment and management; native forest management, fire prevention and control; forest resource assessment; policy development; pest and disease management; agroforestry and farm forestry advisory services; forest growth modelling and yield prediction; protected area management and forestry research.

Professional recognition

Graduates may be eligible for membership of professional associations such as the Institute of Foresters of Australia, depending on the specialisation or major studied.

Australian job snapshots

Data sourced from Australian Jobs 2023.

RoleEarnings Employment change
Agricultural and Forestry Scientists$93K to $120K Down 14.5%
Forest ManagersOver $120K


ForestersOver $120K


Policy and Planning ManagersOver $120K Up 53.8%
^ There is no data available

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  • Degree structure
  • Subject start dates (core & elective)
  • Entry requirements

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