Explore 592 results for "Bachelor of Laws" by leading Australian Universities
- Keyword: Bachelor of Laws
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Art & creative design (2)
Business & management (12)
Community services & care (2)
Health & medical science (1)
Humanities & social science (13)
IT & computer science (1)
Law & justice (41)
Media & communication (6)
Psychology & mental health (7)
Study method
Entry options
Course results for Bachelor of Laws
0 Saved degrees (to compare save at least 2)
LAT-ART-DEGPursue your passion and your profession
A flexible arts degree offering a large selection of humanities and social sciences majors. Mix it up with minors and electives in business, health, and science. Develop critical thinking, emotional intelligence, creativity, and communication skills.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 3 years full time or part time equivalent
- Entry requirements
- No ATAR required. Start with a subject.
Available majors
- Anthropology,
- Archaeological and Heritage Studies,
- Asian Studies,
- Creative and Professional Writing,
- Crime, Justice and Legal Studies,
- Digital Media,
- English,
- Ethics and Social Justice,
- Hindi Studies Beginners,
- History,
- International Studies,
- Linguistics,
- Philosophy,
- Politics,
- Psychological Science,
- Sociology,
- Sustainability and Development,
- Visual Cultures
Bachelor of Psychological Science and Sociology
USA-PSY-DEGChoose a career with a human touch
Explore the ways people act, think, react and relate to others. Examine cause and affects in behaviour and reveal human health consequences. Examine social policy and counsel communities. Choose to specialise in criminal justice or ageing and disability.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 3 years full time or part time equivalent
Bachelor of Global Security (Terrorism and Counterterrorism Studies)
MUR-BGS-DEGProtect our world against threats
You’ll cover terrorism, political violence, crimes that have effects across national borders, global poverty and even climate change. Learn how to combat situations in the short-term and use prevention longer-term.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 3 years full time or part time equivalent
- Entry requirements
- No ATAR required. Start with a subject.
GRF-PCJ-DEGA double degree in politics and criminology
Learn the workings of governments for broad career options in private, public, and not-for-profit sectors. Explore political structures and processes across the world. Think about the changing nature of crime. Compare economies and democracies.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 4 years full time or part time equivalent
Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Political Science and International Relations
GRF-BPS-DEGA double degree in business and politics
Learn the workings of business and government for broad career options in private, public, and not-for-profit sectors. Focus your skills and knowledge with majors including international business, economics, public policy, and more.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 4 years full time or part time equivalent
Bachelor of Business (Financial Planning)
USA-BFP-DEGThe base for your business career
Begin with the foundations before moving into specialisations that will see you soar. Nail budgeting, financial planning, investments, tax and more as you create a toolkit that will offer you opportunities as an advisor, manager, broker and beyond.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 3 years full time or part time equivalent
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Bachelor of Criminology and Justice
ECU-CRJ-DEGUnderstand crime and work towards prevention
Study the legal system, policing, courts and corrections. Think about justice. Majors, including policing and youth work, enable you to shape your career. Gain real-life experience in a criminal justice agency placement or industry-based project.
- Study method
- Online & on-campus
- Duration
- 3 years full time or part time equivalent
UNE-LGS-DEGStudy the Australian legal system, laws, and legal processes
Prepare for a paralegal career in the Australian legal services sector. Build a solid foundation in law and legal professional skills. Follow your interests with topics including property law, the criminal justice system, and environmental law.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 3 years full time or part time equivalent
- Entry requirements
- No ATAR required. Start with a subject.
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Criminology
SWI-SSC-DEGGet involved in justice and respond to criminal behaviour
Explore the social causes and consequences of crime. You’ll cover topics including policing, corrections, and cybercrime. Take your skills into the world, working behind the scenes in policy, or on the ground with at-risk youth and offenders.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 3 years full time or part time equivalent
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Security and International Relations
SWI-SIR-DEGPrepare for a career in foreign affairs and international politics
Develop global diplomacy skills including conflict resolution and critical thinking, and explore the powers of the United Nations. Through the lens of Australian politics and foreign policy, you’ll study topics including terrorism and human rights.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 3 years full time or part time equivalent