Making the change

After beginning a career as a graphic designer, Todd (along with his wife Alex) decided to go his own way and start a business.


Todd and Alex are a husband-wife duo, making an impact in the social media space by helping other businesses to develop a social media strategy. It’s creating that connection that keeps Todd passionate about his work.

In his early career, Todd spent 5 years in a job that he was good at, but didn’t have the passion for. Ready for a change, Todd turned his attention to graphic design, which he began studying at a private college. Eventually he landed a job in a design studio, and began building some solid skills, not only in design, but advertising at large.

Todd studied a Bachelor of Arts (Internet Communications) with Curtin University, through Open Universities Australia.

Now as a company co-owner at Fletch Digital, Todd has taken on a lot of responsibility, but enjoys a lot more control and freedom working for himself. Once he’s fully caffeinated and ready to go, Todd’s day begins with checking emails, and the monitoring the results from any strategies he’s put in place for his clients.

“We need to make sure we’re getting the best of the content we’re creating, or the ads that we’re running”.

To Todd, getting an audience to engage with a brand, and to have meaningful conversations around the brand’s products or services is key.

“As social media strategists and marketers, we’re using social media to connect our clients with their audience, trying to build meaningful relationships with people.”

Arts internet communications student Todd Austin in the garden


Without any prior university experience, Todd wasn’t sure what to expect when he enrolled in Curtin University’s Bachelor of Arts (Internet Communications), online through OUA. But what he gained from his course has helped to round out his knowledge, and better prepare him to tackle the challenges of his industry.

What Todd found particularly useful about the course was learning about the internet as a whole, looking at why and how people use it, and how it affects their lives.

“It’s really given me a deeper understanding of what we do, and our position in our industry”. 

Arts internet communications student Todd Austin home office


An exciting new opportunity for Todd has been running workshops in social media, through the company ‘The Digital Picnic’. He teaches others how to strategise, advertise and manage their social media. Every day presents a new learning experience.

“The more I learn, the better I get at overcoming challenges” says Todd with a smile.

What’s your next challenge?

Don’t remain stagnant – there’s always room to grow, and time to surprise yourself with your own capability. Through OUA, you can pick up some exciting new skills, whether that’s through a full degree, or just a few subjects.

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Related courses:

Bachelor of Communication – UniSA

Bachelor of Communication – Griffith

Master of Arts (Writing) – Swinburne

Bachelor of Business (Marketing) – UniSA

Browse  thousands of courses from leading Australian universities.

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