Ashleigh’s route to a ‘Big Four’ firm

Got a skills gap? Don’t let it stop you in your tracks. Find out how Ashleigh nabbed an accounting graduate position in a ‘Big Four’ firm.

Ashleigh was on the brink of a graduate position as an accountant with one of the ‘Big Four’ firms – but standing in her way, were two missing university subjects.

The position was on offer, as long as she was eligible to commence the Chartered Accountants Graduate Diploma program. So rather than going back to campus and letting the offer pass her by, Ashleigh was able to study online through Open Universities Australia, while she worked her first 6 months in the graduate position.

Accounting student Ashleigh Jusic
Ashleigh - Studied single subjects, through Open Universities Australia.

To fill the void left by her missing subjects, Ashleigh was able to study Curtin uni’s Introduction to Australian Tax Law, and UniSA’s Auditing Theory and Practice. What might have taken a year, only took Ashleigh a couple of months, as she was able to schedule her own learning, and get through her study faster.

Without the classroom environment she was used to, Ashleigh was surprised to have adapted to online learning so easily. “Everything was structured – I couldn’t believe that it was so well laid out, that I had every tool I could possibly need in front of me” Ashleigh smiles. Now, Ashleigh is finally studying her Chartered Accountants qualification with graduates just like herself, and is well on her way to a secure future in the company.

Take control of the future you want

Accounting student Ashleigh Jusic public area

If the future you dream of begins with building new knowledge – set yourself up for greatness through OUA.

  • Find the right degree for you – We can guide you in your selection from hundreds of degrees, and over a thousand subjects, from leading Australian unis.
  • Start studying, regardless of history – We offer single undergraduate subjects from full degrees without any entry requirements.
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  • Graduate with a degree from a leading uni – Study through us, but graduate with exactly the same university degree as on-campus students.
  • Feel supported from start to finish – Our Student Advisors can guide you in the right direction and help with your enrolment.

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