5 facts that will surprise you about the future of work

An era of change is upon us. What impact will the impending Fourth Industrial Revolution have? How much change should we be prepared to roll with?


An era of change in the workforce is well and truly upon us. The arrival of the Fourth Industrial Revolution means that the careers we once worked towards, or are working towards, are undergoing rapid change. 

But don’t panic just yet. Despite the influx of intelligent tech, The Definitive Guide to Future-Proofing Your Career, a report developed by Open Universities Australia (OUA) has revealed that robots are not going to take over completely.  

However, it is a time to empower ourselves with the facts. The report, an essential tool for every career-conscious Australian, does just that. 

Here are just some of the findings the report has revealed: 

  1. Unexpected industries will boom 

    Sure, it’s predicted that IT based industries are set to grow. Especially given that technology is doubling in capacity every 18 months. But the report has found that there are other, unexpected, industries set to boom. Healthcare, social assistance, IT, engineering and surprisingly geology and history are just some of them. 

  2. Human-centric skills will be in high-demand

    Sometimes known as soft skills, human-centric skills include empathy, communication, storytelling, emotional intelligence, creativity, having a growth mindset — the list goes on. The report reveals that these skills will be increasingly needed in the future.

    Why? Well, bots will take care of the administrative tasks people no longer want to spend time on. Therefore, human centric skills will be key for job security.

  3. Personal branding will be big 

    A personal brand is so much more than your LinkedIn profile picture. How you interact with key stakeholders, clients, agencies, and how you come across as a client yourself all counts.  In the future, there’ll be a need to carve ourselves out as thought-leaders, demonstrating human-centric skills to fill the roles automated technology can’t. Those with the strongest personal brands will fare well.  

  4. Skilled humans will be in shortage 

    According to the same report, skilled human workers are set to be in shortage of around 1.5 million by 2022.

    People will be needed to work in tandem with new technology – supporting automation with the critical and creative thinking that only the human brain can muster.

    Those who are well prepared for the future will hone their human-centric skills to fill these positions.

  5. Micro-credentials will be a must

    The report also reveals that in the new era of work, some industries are predicted to replace as much as 44% of some roles with automation. As a result, bite-sized learning has become essential in remaining relevant and progressing in the workforce. Bite-sized study covers a range of snackable learning options including micro-credentials,undergraduate single subjects and postgraduate single subjects.

    These can help to hone a specific skill with just a few hours of study a week. They’re also a strong tool for signaling motivation to current and future employers, and remaining relevant in the digital age.

    When it comes to the workforce of tomorrow, there’s a lot for us all to learn. Luckily, the Definitive Guide to Future-Proofing Your Career has the facts covered.

    To find out more about the industries and skills that will be in demand, get your free copy now.

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