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Advanced Financial Accounting


Enrolments for this course are closed, but you may have other options to start studying now. Book a consultation to learn more.

Study method
100% online
Subject may require attendance
Entry requirements
Part of a degree
16 weeks
Start dates
24 Feb 2025

Loan available
FEE-HELP available

Advanced Financial Accounting

About this subject

  • Upon completion of this subject, students will be able to:

    1. demonstrate an expert understanding of advanced issues in financial accounting with depth in corporate group structures and how to read and interpret/analyse contemporary group financial reports underpinning accounting standards and apply to business-related contexts;
    2. demonstrate an expert knowledge on preparing consolidation journals and worksheet, and consolidated statement of comprehensive income and  financial position;
    3. demonstrate an advanced and integrated knowledge and professional understanding of a range of accounting issues related to accounting for associates and joint arrangements, operating segments, foreign currency transactions and translating foreign operations, financial instruments; and their recording in financial statements and disclosures;
    4. use a range of cognitive, communication and research skills to investigate, analyse, synthesise and reflect on relevant accounting information drawn from financial statements in order to demonstrate critical thinking and judgement in solving complex business-related problems;
    5. work independently and/or collaboratively to plan and execute tasks to enhance professional knowledge and skills in advanced financial accounting; and
    6. demonstrate an advanced understanding of corporate social responsibility and governance disclosure environments, and the ability to recognize, evaluate, reflect on and respond to a range of ethical and social influences on them.

Entry requirements

Part of a degree

To enrol in this subject you must be accepted into one of the following degrees:


  • UNE-MPA-MAS-2025 - Master of Professional Accounting


  • UNE-MPA-GCE-2025 - Graduate Certificate in Accounting

Prior study

You must either have successfully completed the following subject(s) before starting this subject, or currently be enrolled in the following subject(s) in a prior study period; or enrol in the following subject(s) to study prior to this subject:

Please note that your enrolment in this subject is conditional on successful completion of these prerequisite subject(s). If you study the prerequisite subject(s) in the study period immediately prior to studying this subject, your result for the prerequisite subject(s) will not be finalised prior to the close of enrolment. In this situation, should you not complete your prerequisite subject(s) successfully you should not continue with your enrolment in this subject. If you are currently enrolled in the prerequisite subject(s) and believe you may not complete these all successfully, it is your responsibility to reschedule your study of this subject to give you time to re-attempt the prerequisite subject(s).


Candidature in the Graduate Certificate in Accounting or the Master of Professional Accounting.
To enrol in this subject you will need to pass the Prerequisite/s. Please note as UNE results are released after the close of enrolment date, your enrolment into this subject will be withdrawn if you do not pass the prerequisite subject/s.

Additional requirements

  • Equipment requirements - Headphones or speakers (required to listen to lectures and other media). Headset, including microphone (highly recommended). Webcam (may be required for participation in virtual classrooms and/or media presentations).
  • Software requirements - It is essential for students to have reliable internet access in order to participate in and complete your units, regardless of whether they contain an on campus attendance or intensive school component. For additional information please visit UNE Hardware Requirements: https://www.une.edu.au/current-students/support/it-services/hardware
  • Other requirements -

    Textbook requirements:
    Textbook information is not available until approximately 8 weeks prior to the commencement of the Teaching period.
    Students are expected to purchase prescribed material.
    Textbook requirements may vary from one teaching period to the next.

Study load

0.125 EFTSL
This is in the range of 10 to 12 hours of study each week.

Equivalent full time study load (EFTSL) is one way to calculate your study load. One (1.0) EFTSL is equivalent to a full-time study load for one year.

Find out more information on Commonwealth Loans to understand what this means to your eligibility for financial support.

Related degrees

Once you’ve completed this subject it can be credited towards one of the following courses

University of New England logo

Master of Professional Accounting


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Graduate Certificate in Accounting


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