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Critical Thought and Research Design


Previously MAQ-PICX812

Hone your reading, writing and analytical skills. Select key sources and investigate their worth using established methodologies. Sharpen your ability to logically break down evidence. Apply what you’ve learnt and develop a strategic research design.

Study method
100% online
100% online
Enrol by
20 July 2025
Entry requirements
Part of a degree
13 weeks
Start dates
24 Feb 2025,
28 July 2025

Price from
Upfront cost
Loan available
FEE-HELP available

Critical Thought and Research Design

About this subject

  • On successful completion of this subject, you will be able to:

    1. Evaluate the theoretical approaches that frame the field of Security Studies and Criminology, including the relationship to their historical context.
    2. Demonstrate critical thinking skills through the understanding and questioning of key concepts, issues and debates.
    3. Demonstrate understanding of both the assumptions that underpin key theories, and the methods used for research and investigation.
    4. Demonstrate critical communication skills, including the ability to present sustained, persuasive and original verbal and written arguments cogently and coherently, and mediate in-class debate and discussion.

Entry requirements

Part of a degree

To enrol in this subject you must be accepted into one of the following degrees:


  • MAQ-MCT-MAS-2025 - Master of Counter Terrorism
  • MAQ-CYB-MAS-2025 - Master of Cyber Security Analysis
  • MAQ-CRM-MAS-2025 - Master of Criminology
  • MAQ-INT-MAS-2025 - Master of Intelligence
  • MAQ-SEC-MAS-2025 - Master of Security and Strategic Studies
  • MAQ-SSC-GCE-2025 - Graduate Certificate of Security Studies and Criminology

Equivalent subjects

You should not enrol in this subject if you have successfully completed any of the following subject(s) because they are considered academically equivalent:

  • MAQ-PICX812 (Not currently available)


Admission to MSecStragegicStud or MCrim or MIntell or MCTerrorism or MCyberSec or GradDipSecStudCr or GradCertSecStudCr or MIntPubDip or MPICT or MIntSecStud or GradDipIntSecStud or MPICTMIntSecSt or MCPICT or MCPICTMIntSecSt or MSecStrategicStudMCrim or MSecStrategicStudMIntell or MSecStrategicStudMCyberSec or MSecStrategicStudMCTerrorism or MIntellMCrim or MIntellMCyberSec or MIntellMCTerrorism or MCyberSecMCTerrorism or MCyberSecMCrim or MCTerrorismMCrim or Master of Cyber Security Analysis or 10cps at 6000 level or 10cps 8000 level

NCCW (pre-2020 units) PICT812, PICX812

Additional requirements

  • Other requirements - Broadband access Note: Students who have an Academic Standing of Suspension or Exclusion under Macquarie University's Academic Progression Policy are not permitted to enrol in OUA units offered by Macquarie University. Students with an Academic Standing of Suspension or Exclusion who have enrolled in units through OUA will be withdrawn.

Study load

0.125 EFTSL
This is in the range of 10 to 12 hours of study each week.

Equivalent full time study load (EFTSL) is one way to calculate your study load. One (1.0) EFTSL is equivalent to a full-time study load for one year.

Find out more information on Commonwealth Loans to understand what this means to your eligibility for financial support.

Related degrees

Once you’ve completed this subject it can be credited towards one of the following courses

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Master of Counter Terrorism


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Master of Cyber Security Analysis


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Master of Criminology


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Master of Intelligence


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