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Interior Architecture Studio - Well-being


Seek connections between specialised technology systems and interior design. Examine functioning designs and suggest improvements where you see them. Consider sustainability and efficiency. Learn about healthcare and bespoke interior design concepts

Enrolments for this course are closed, but you may have other options to start studying now. Book a consultation to learn more.

Study method
100% online
100% online
Entry requirements
Part of a degree
13 weeks
Start dates
3 Mar 2025

Loan available
HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP available

Interior Architecture Studio - Well-being

About this subject

  • At the completion of this subject students will be able to:

    1. create a design proposal that addresses the user experience and healing environments
    2. evaluate relevant theory in relation to well-being
    3. incorporate within a design proposition, strategies that will improve environmental qualities, and will be socially, culturally and environmentally sustainable
    4. effectively and appropriately communicate the complexities of a design proposition.

Entry requirements

Part of a degree

To enrol in this subject you must be accepted into one of the following degrees:


  • CUR-IAH-DEG-2025 - Bachelor of Applied Science (Interior Architecture) (Honours)
  • CUR-IND-DEG-2025 - Bachelor of Interior Design


  • CUR-FAST-DEG-2025 - Fast track your Curtin on campus study

Prior study

You must either have successfully completed the following subject(s) before starting this subject, or currently be enrolled in the following subject(s) in a prior study period; or enrol in the following subject(s) to study prior to this subject:

and one of

Please note that your enrolment in this subject is conditional on successful completion of these prerequisite subject(s). If you study the prerequisite subject(s) in the study period immediately prior to studying this subject, your result for the prerequisite subject(s) will not be finalised prior to the close of enrolment. In this situation, should you not complete your prerequisite subject(s) successfully you should not continue with your enrolment in this subject. If you are currently enrolled in the prerequisite subject(s) and believe you may not complete these all successfully, it is your responsibility to reschedule your study of this subject to give you time to re-attempt the prerequisite subject(s).

Additional requirements

No additional requirements

Study load

0.125 EFTSL
This is in the range of 10 to 12 hours of study each week.

Equivalent full time study load (EFTSL) is one way to calculate your study load. One (1.0) EFTSL is equivalent to a full-time study load for one year.

Find out more information on Commonwealth Loans to understand what this means to your eligibility for financial support.

Related degrees

Once you’ve completed this subject it can be credited towards one of the following courses

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Fast track your Curtin on campus study


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