Choose your path
At Open Universities Australia, we help you navigate and compare your options—but you get to choose your own path.
With 970+ degrees and 2,760+ subjects on offer, you have many study options to choose from. So, here are a few ways to explore degrees and subjects from leading Australian universities.
Study types
Undergraduate degrees
Study a diploma, associate degree or bachelor degree online with the uni of your choice, from anywhere, at any time.
Explore undergraduate coursesPostgraduate degrees
Take your career to the next level with a graduate certificate, graduate diploma or masters degree.
Explore postgraduate coursesUndergraduate single subjects
Give university a test drive. Explore single online subjects that don't have any entry requirements.
Explore undergraduate subjectsPostgraduate single subjects
Boost your skills so you feel more confident and qualified at work—without committing to a full degree.
Explore postgraduate subjectsCertificates
You only need to complete four subjects to earn these qualifications. Most undergraduate certificates don't even have entry requirements.
Explore certificatesShort courses
Upskill with an online short course. It’s the flexible and low-commitment solution to learning something new.
Explore short coursesPathways and pre-university
Get ready for academic success with these enabling courses, pathways, and English language test preparation courses.
Explore pathwaysChoosing a course
Need help choosing what to study? Here’s some ways we can help you.

Course recommendations
Answer a few simple questions using our online tool and we can recommend some study options for you.

Degree vs single subjects
Did you know you don’t have to commit to a degree to study higher education? Start with a single subject or apply for a degree. It's your choice.

Compare courses
Compare each detail of all degrees and subjects and find what’s important to you when making your decision.
Our friendly student advisors are here to help
We’re here to guide you every step of the way with advice on:
- Choosing a course that suits you best.
- Enrolling and planning your studies.
- Understanding your funding options.