Explore 3325 results for "undergraduate-certificate-health-science" by leading Australian Universities
- Keyword: undergraduate-certificate-health-science
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Architecture & construction (23)
Art & creative design (49)
Business & management (232)
Community services & care (67)
Education & teaching (60)
Engineering (14)
Health & medical science (194)
Humanities & social science (76)
IT & computer science (117)
Law & justice (71)
Media & communication (47)
Psychology & mental health (89)
Science (45)
Study method
Entry options
Course results for Degrees
0 Saved degrees (to compare save at least 2)
Bachelor of Advanced Business (Honours)
GRF-ABH-DEGGain the competitive edge with this bespoke business degree
Complete your foundation year in business essentials, then choose your specialisation. Pursue your passion with over 20 business and language majors to choose from. Gain confidence, make contacts, and graduate work-ready with work integrated learning.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 4 years full time or part time equivalent
Bachelor of Arts (Visual Culture)
CUR-VLC-DEGArt mirrors life — the how and why
Explore how culture is expressed in visual images. Understand how art informs our world, through the history and theories of art. Work in sectors where initiative, creativity and critical thinking are valued—curation, policy development, and tourism.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 3 years full time or part time equivalent
- Entry requirements
- No ATAR required. Start with a subject.
Bachelor of Arts (Professional Writing and Publishing) (Visual Culture)
CUR-PVC-DEGVisualise your cultural career
Draft up and edit your writing career that combines art and culture. Get critical and gain perspective about writing in various forms and for diverse genres. Visualise contemporary art and design. Brush up on your critical art evaluation skills.
- Study method
- Online & on-campus
- Duration
- 3 years full time or part time equivalent
- Entry requirements
- No ATAR required. Start with a subject.
Bachelor of Arts (Digital and Social Media) (Visual Culture)
CUR-ICV-DEGDesign your interactive career
Visualise and articulate how people network and connect online. Express culture through design. Get critical and recognise the value of cultural diversity versus technology. Explore art history and theory. Draw on your technical and intuitive strengths.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 3 years full time or part time equivalent
- Entry requirements
- No ATAR required. Start with a subject.
Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) (Digital and Social Media)
CUR-FAI-DEGCompose your artistic career
Critically interact with fine art traditions considering the visual and social needs of society. Contribute to the artistic aesthetic. Design ways to network and connect to people and places. Draw on your strengths of self-criticism and self-discipline.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 3 years full time or part time equivalent
- Entry requirements
- No ATAR required. Start with a subject.
Master of Social and Organisational Leadership (with specialisations)
CSU-SOL-MASBecome a successful, inspirational, and ethical leader.
Get ready to foster a healthy organisational culture. You’ll study leadership philosophies and theories to inform your own leadership style. In this alternative to an MBA, specialisations include coaching, HRM, and more. Approach change with confidence.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- Approx. 1.5 years full time or part time equivalent
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GRF-CFP-MASEquip yourself for growth
Learn to grow the wealth of others while you grow your own career. Become a master in planning for the ultimate financial success of your clients – from superannuation to retirement, investment, tax advice and more.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- Approx. 1.5 years full time or part time equivalent