Explore 1319 results for "master-public-health" by leading Australian Universities
- Keyword: master-public-health
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Architecture & construction (9)
Art & creative design (9)
Business & management (136)
Community services & care (67)
Education & teaching (51)
Engineering (7)
Health & medical science (194)
Humanities & social science (41)
IT & computer science (24)
Law & justice (57)
Media & communication (20)
Psychology & mental health (89)
Science (18)
Study method
Entry options
Course results for Degrees
0 Saved degrees (to compare save at least 2)
UOQ-EPD-MASMake a meaningful contribution to the field of epidemiology
Improve population health and increase life expectancy. Take your epidemiological, biostatistical and methodological skills to an advanced level. You’ll choose from clinical or standard epidemiology and deep dive into your dissertation.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 2 years full time or part time equivalent
Master of Environmental Health Sciences
UOQ-EHS-MASComplex solutions for complex problems
Rise to the challenge of a masters degree that tackles critical environmental health risks. Make positive change and improve the health of entire populations. Step up to leadership backed with skills, knowledge, and confidence.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 2 years full time or part time equivalent
Master of Public and Social Policy
MAQ-PSP-MASA unique course in Australia
Take a dual focus towards policy and social research. Learn how policy is shaped, before gaining skills to design and deliver your own. Use research to address sustainable communities, welfare, immigration, population health and more.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 1 year full time or part time equivalent
Master of Leadership and Management in Health Care
ACU-LDH-MASLead strategic changes in the healthcare system
Become an ethical, effective health leader. Prepare for work in the public, private or not-for-profit sector. Understand strategic development, and help to work towards delivering culturally safe, resource-efficient health care.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- Approx. 1.5 years full time or part time equivalent
Graduate Certificate in Public Health
GRF-MPH-GCEGet ready to engage with public health practice
Build on your knowledge of public health practice. Examine key determinants of health, including the social, biological, economic and environmental factors. Choose from a range of electives and explore international trends.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 6 months full time or part time equivalent
USA-BPH-DEGBecome a public health practitioner through real-world learning
Broaden your focus beyond the individual to improve the health and wellbeing of populations. Explore current services and policies and think about how to improve them. Use data. Consider social and environmental factors. Graduate work-ready.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 3 years full time or part time equivalent
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Graduate Diploma in Public Health
UOQ-PBH-GDITake your public health knowledge further
Use this course to upskill for a career in the public health sector, or to pursue a Masters Degree. Learn about core public health practices, and then focus on a specialised field of study like nutrition, Indigenous health or disease prevention.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 1 year full time or part time equivalent
Graduate Certificate in Public Health
UOQ-PBH-GCEGet to know the world of public health
Want to specialise in public health? This is a perfect taster course. Explore introductory subjects around public health practices, epidemiology, biostatistics and health promotion. Then use your newfound knowledge to pursue further study in a Masters Degree.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 6 months full time or part time equivalent
Graduate Diploma of Public Health
TUA-PHL-GDIBoost your career caring for the health of populations
Advance your knowledge of current global and environmental health issues. Explore where the industry is heading. You’ll look deeper into health systems and unpack economics. Work on health promotion and disease prevention strategies.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 1 year full time or part time equivalent
Graduate Certificate of Public Health
TUA-PHL-GCEPreventative solutions for illness and injury in the community
Learn how to use promotion and intervention to tackle public health challenges. You’ll explore social, behavioural, and cultural factors in public health. Think about specialising in epidemiology, environmental health, or digital health.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 6 months full time or part time equivalent