Explore 1319 results for "master-public-health" by leading Australian Universities
- Keyword: master-public-health
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Architecture & construction (9)
Art & creative design (9)
Business & management (136)
Community services & care (67)
Education & teaching (51)
Engineering (7)
Health & medical science (194)
Humanities & social science (41)
IT & computer science (24)
Law & justice (57)
Media & communication (20)
Psychology & mental health (89)
Science (18)
Study method
Entry options
Course results for Degrees
0 Saved degrees (to compare save at least 2)
UOC-COM-MASTake the lead in communication
Specialise and progress your communications career. You’ll upskill in engagement, leadership, and analysis. Explore social research. Connect with industry. Become senior management’s trusted advisor for PR, digital strategy, campaigns, and more.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 2 years full time or part time equivalent
Master of Science (Mathematics and Statistics)
USQ-SMS-MASMaths for problem solving and decision making
Boost your career options with a broad understanding of maths and statistics. You’ll learn the fundamentals of algebra and calculus. Explore algorithms for computing. Work with data and statistical models. Build skills for research and experiment design.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 2 years full time or part time equivalent
Master of Science (Environment and Sustainability)
USQ-SES-MASFrom global environmental systems to local sustainable management
Protect and preserve the environment and use natural resources wisely. You’ll explore social, environmental, and economic aspects. Build skills to deal with complex and uncertain situations. Focus on climate. Improve your research skills.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 2 years full time or part time equivalent
Master of Professional Engineering (Environmental and Sustainable Resources Engineering)
USQ-PEE-MASAdvanced environmental engineering topics and practical experience
Bolster your engineering degree with real-world problem solving. You’ll delve into water resources, modelling, technology, and more. Get practical with hands-on lab work plus industry experience. Pave the way for exciting roles as a professional engineer.
- Study method
- Online & on-campus
- Duration
- 2 years full time or part time equivalent
Master of Business (Managing Cyber Risk)
USQ-MCR-MASManage the challenges of cyber security in modern businesses
Leverage digital technologies to enhance and protect businesses. Get strategic with governance, risk, and compliance frameworks. You’ll cover key cyber security standards and frameworks, and gain skills to respond to and recover from cyber incidents.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 2 years full time or part time equivalent
USQ-FIN-MASDelve deeper into the world of finance
Explore global markets, fintech, investor psychology, and more. Includes foundational business courses on leadership and economics. Take your business career to the next level with advanced knowledge in important finance concepts.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 2 years full time or part time equivalent
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Master of Data Science (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)
USQ-AIM-MASHarness big data to make big decisions
Steer your career towards the dynamic AI industry. You’ll explore data mining and learn how to manage what you find. Dive deep into deep learning. Unpack the techniques of natural language processing. You’ll also look at programming and project management.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 2 years full time or part time equivalent
Undergraduate Certificate in Mental Health
USA-MHE-CTFAn introduction to psychological science and counselling concepts
Explore mental health conditions and contemporary counselling approaches. You’ll look into depression, anxiety disorders, and more. Unpack legal and ethical issues. Choose electives that interest you. Prepare for the mental health sector or further study.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 6 months full time or part time equivalent
Graduate Diploma in Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing
UON-WMH-GDIInsight and skills to support mental health in the workplace
Explore mental health and build counselling skills specifically for the workplace. Consider Indigenous Australian’s holistic perspective. Recognise psychosocial hazards. Help build resilience. Gain confidence to support change and help colleagues in need.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 1 year full time or part time equivalent
Graduate Certificate in Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing
UON-WMH-GCESupport mental health in any workplace setting
Step into high demand support roles and foster wellbeing in the workplace. You’ll learn how to identify and respond to mental health challenges. Build counselling skills. Unpack healthy mental functioning and ill-health. Make work safe and healthy.
- Study method
- 100% online