Explore 1732 results for "diploma in science" by leading Australian Universities
- Keyword: diploma in science
- Undergraduate
Study level
Interest area
Art & creative design (5)
Business & management (4)
Community services & care (2)
Health & medical science (11)
Humanities & social science (5)
IT & computer science (16)
Law & justice (1)
Psychology & mental health (3)
Science (6)
Study method
Entry options
Course results for Degrees
0 Saved degrees (to compare save at least 2)
UNE-DSC-DIPDiscover the basic methods, techniques, and tools of science
Engage your curiosity about the natural world with this online science course. Build a solid and broad foundation of scientific knowledge, starting with core subjects including physics and chemistry. Focus on a specialisation such as maths or biology.
- Study method
- Online & on-campus
- Duration
- 1 year full time or part time equivalent
SCU-SCI-DIPA pathway to the lab or further science studies
An online science course with specialisations in forestry, marine, or Earth and environmental systems. You’ll explore chemistry, physics, biology and geology. Think about the role science plays solving big issues like climate change and pollution.
- Study method
- Online & on-campus
- Duration
- 1 year full time or part time equivalent
Diploma in Psychological Science
UNE-PSY-DIPGet a head start in psychology by covering the essentials
Delve into the foundations of psychology. Nurture your understanding of mental health and wellbeing. You’ll gain invaluable insights into the Australian health system. Get prepared for the challenges and opportunities of a psychology career.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 1 year full time or part time equivalent
LAT-HSC-DIP3, 2, 1… start your career in health sciences
Whether you want to do further study or start work straight away, this diploma is a great entry point. Learn the basics of health sciences, from human structure and function to health data. Earn up to 1 year's course credit for the bachelor's degree.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 1 year full time or part time equivalent
- Entry requirements
- No ATAR required. Start with a subject.
Available majors
- Digital health stream,
- Environmental health stream,
- Health promotion stream,
- Health, wellbeing and performance stream,
- Psychological science stream,
- Public health stream,
- Rehabillitation counselling stream
TUA-HSC-DIPLearn the foundations of how the human body functions
Gain an understanding of how the human body functions on a biological and physiological level. You’ll use augmented reality technology to virtually explore the human body. Explore how patient care is guided by the best-available information.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 1 year full time or part time equivalent
Diploma of University Studies (Science Pathway)
TAS-USS-DIPSet yourself up for success with tertiary study in science
This diploma is a great option if you know what you want to study but need a more supportive approach. Learn key skills and build knowledge in the field of science. Get credits for the subjects you take if you go on to study a bachelor degree.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 1 year full time or part time equivalent
- Entry requirements
- No ATAR required. Start with a subject.
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Diploma of Health (Psychological Science)
SCU-HPS-DIPPsychology essentials for success in health studies
Explore the nature of behavioural science and think about careers in psychology and further study. You’ll cover psychology foundations and build your understanding of mental health and wellbeing. Get to know the Australian health system.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 1 year full time or part time equivalent
Diploma of Exercise and Sport Science
UND-ESS-DIPBuild foundations in movement and healthy living
An introductory sports course designed by industry professionals. You’ll cover topics in health and exercise related to human bodies and wellbeing. Build key skills in sports science, including using data and technology for better outcomes.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 1 year full time or part time equivalent
- Entry requirements
- No ATAR required. Start with a subject.
TAS-PHA-DIPLaunch your career as a pharmacy assistant or technician
Gain entry into pharmacy as an assistant or technician, or enhance your employability within the primary care sector with this set of mathematics and science skills.
- Study method
- Online & on-campus
- Duration
- 1 year full time or part time equivalent
- Entry requirements
- No ATAR required. Start with a subject.
TUA-CSE-DIPIT fundamentals with a security focus
Work on core IT skills to meet the Australian Computer Society’s standards. You’ll cover programming, networking, and cloud computing. Deep-dive into cybersecurity principals. Get to know current attack vectors and security measures. Work in IT.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 1 year full time or part time equivalent