Explore 53 results by leading Australian Universities
- Nursing
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Architecture & construction (30)
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Education & teaching (91)
Engineering (19)
Health & medical science (194)
Humanities & social science (77)
IT & computer science (115)
Law & justice (104)
Media & communication (56)
Psychology & mental health (89)
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Course results for Nursing Degrees
0 Saved degrees (to compare save at least 2)
Undergraduate Certificate in Health Sciences
CUR-CHS-CTFTake your first step towards a career in health—including nursing
Start building your foundational knowledge of human health and healthcare. Explore human bodies. Get to know health practice. For graduates of this online health course, the pathway to health careers and further studies is open wide.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 6 months full time or part time equivalent
- Entry requirements
- No ATAR required. Start with a subject.
USA-HEA-DIPAn introduction to health topics and university study
Take this online health course as a first step towards a career in the healthcare sector. You’ll study anatomy, human physiology and biosciences. Gain valuable academic skills. Get a feel for uni and think about careers in nursing, pharmacy, and more.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 1 year full time or part time equivalent
Graduate Certificate in Advanced Wound Care
MUR-AWC-GCEDevelop your skills in wound care and management
Further your nursing expertise with this specialised course. Develop advanced wound care and infection prevention techniques to improve patient outcomes. Learn from experts in the field of wound care and management. Study 100% online.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 6 months full time or part time equivalent
GRF-NSC-MASFor registered nurses ready to progress to health leadership
Fast-track your career in healthcare management and innovation. You’ll build skills in nursing education and research. Prepare for advanced practice. Explore quality and safety. Complete a research project. Study with a leading Australian nursing school.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- Approx. 1.5 years full time or part time equivalent
Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing
ECU-MHN-GDIExplore modern, evidence-based mental health nursing care
Learn to assess and support patients in a variety of mental health settings. You’ll work on skills to make confident care decisions. This diploma opens doors to roles in community mental health, drug and alcohol services, and mental health services.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 1 year full time or part time equivalent
Graduate Certificate in Midwifery Diagnostics and Prescribing
ECU-MDP-GCEUse tests and medicines to extend your care of childbearing women
Learn how to include scheduled medicines and diagnostics in your holistic care plans. Explore applied pharmacology. Unpack antenatal screening and diagnostics tests. You’ll study current professional guidelines and work towards endorsement as a prescriber.
- Study method
- 100% online
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Graduate Certificate in Contemporary Care of the Older Person
ECU-CCO-GCESpecialise in caring for older adults in various settings
Open doors to roles in residential aged care, hospitals, and home care settings. You’ll learn to support older persons’ holistic well-being. Unpack the complexities of caring for the aged and working with their families. Explore current policies and standards.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 6 months full time or part time equivalent
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing (Cardiac Care)
ACU-NCC-GCEAdvance your career in heart health
Care for patients with heart diseases and conditions. You’ll gain specialist skills and knowledge to support patients needing cardiovascular care. Graduate and progress into more rewarding roles or continue your nursing studies.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 6 months full time or part time equivalent
Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing
ACU-MHN-GDIAdvance your practice in mental health nursing
Build on your mental health nursing skills and experience. Upskill to provide personalised care focused on recovery. You’ll cover social inclusion, healthcare ethics, and CBT. Reflect on your practice. Build leadership skills.
- Study method
- 100% online
- Duration
- 1 year full time or part time equivalent
Graduate Certificate in Mental Health Nursing
ACU-MHN-GCEFor nurses ready to start a mental health specialisation
Add a formal postgraduate mental health qualification to your nursing skill set. You’ll cover current mental health perspectives and practices. Build leadership skills. Intervene and support people in their recovery from mental illness.
- Study method
- 100% online