Top 3 careers for social justice warriors

Do you find yourself having to point out others’ slurs when it comes to race, gender or sexuality? A career in social justice might be for you. 

Social justice

There are two types of people in this world. Those who hear others speak poorly in terms of race, gender or sexuality, and turn a blind eye. And those who make a point of correcting their counterpart.

If you’re part of the second camp, you’re likely to have received eye-rolls from those who can’t stand to be told they’re in the wrong.

But hold your head high, you’re playing an important role in society. You’re showing others what is fair and just – carving the way for a better future for people of all walks of life.

What’s more, you’re someone who’s suited to a range of very satisfying, sought-after careers.

Here are our top 3 careers for social justice warriors:

Victim advocate 

“A what?” you say? Don’t worry, you may not have heard this term before. But rest assured, victim advocates are very important members of our society.

Victim advocates give support to those who have been affected by a crime – this may take the shape of accompanying families to court proceedings, helping people navigate paperwork, and helping them navigate the legal system.

Social worker 

Likely to be a career you’re more familiar with, social workers help individuals overcome difficult times in their lives. The people you help might be facing substance abuse, emotional or physical neglect, domestic abuse or mental health challenges.

Your role as a social worker is to help individuals come out of their circumstances equipped to cope, and ultimately live happier, healthier lives.

International humanitarian 

If your interests in social justice go beyond those in your immediate circumference, then becoming an international humanitarian may be for you.

International humanitarians work with global charities and agencies such as UNICEF – helping to save and protect children, distribute emergency relief, create adequate education programs and more.

This is a career path with wide-reaching impact.

If you’d like to turn your passion for protecting others into a life-long career, why not explore a course in a related field? You might be able to take a step towards your future today.

Browse  thousands of courses from leading Australian universities.

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