Leave your stamp on the world with Curtin’s Master of Architecture

Architecture isn't simply about buildings. It's the basis of the built environment we live in, which influences how we go about our lives.

Explore the places people love with a Master of Architecture at Curtin University. Learn from lecturers like Lara MacIntosh – a trained architect, who sees architecture as not just a career but a lifestyle. “It’s not just about buildings, it’s a part of our life” she says. “Architecture education is a very exciting area” agrees Dr Boon Ong, Head of Architecture and Interior Architecture, whose career has led him to five different countries. “It is very focused on employability, and it’s very international – we have some of the best staff in the world.”

This two-year postgraduate course will expand your knowledge, and put your creativity and vision into action. In a constantly changing environment that is impacted by digital disruption and increasingly scarce resources – you’ll gain the skills and knowledge to shape the future of architecture.


What you’ll learn

In the Master of Architecture, students study 14 core units, which look at aspects like architectural theory, history, management and law. You’ll get involved with advanced design projects, analysis of urban contexts, and consideration of urban design and place making. Towards the end of the course, you’ll complete your own individual dissertation in architectural design.

Where a Master in Architecture will take graduates.

Through the Master course, you will develop the leadership skills, technical skills, and professional skills to ready you for a career in architecture. Students can branch out to a wide range of areas, including building surveyance, construction law, structural engineering, and architectural conservation. Alternatively, students can embark on a career in academia, as a teacher or researcher in the field of architecture.

Curtin leads the way in online studies

Curtin has been delivering online courses to students worldwide for more than 20 years. They strive to ensure their course content is engaging, interactive, and most important of all, convenient – leaving it up to you when and where you’d like to study. There’s no need to feel alone throughout your study experience – you’ll benefit from the expert guidance and feedback of Curtin’s online teaching staff, and the passionate community of online students.

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