Changing young lives

After finishing her degree online, Kimberley decided to enrol in a postgraduate single subject, to help her move into social policy work.

Open Universities Australia student Kimberley, set up to study on her sofa with a laptop computer.
Kimberley studied a psychology single subject through Open Universities Australia

From the beachside town of Milton in NSW, where job opportunities are scarce, Kimberley has embraced online study, and is gaining the experience she needs to move into youth work. To extend upon her bachelor degree, Kimberley studied a single subject through OUA—Macquarie University’s ‘Developing Social Policy'.

Kimberley is no stranger to the online study world – through OUA, she recently completed Swinburne University’s Bachelor of Behavioural Studies. Her ultimate goal is to write and facilitate youth work programs, to give young people and their parents the resources they need to make smarter choices. It’s Kimberley’s passion for people, and her love of learning that drove her to further study in social policy making.

With a motel to run during the day, and professional nanny duties on the side – Kimberley has a lot on her plate. In order to work long hours and stay close to her family, Kimberley’s choice to study online was a no-brainer. Despite there being some challenging times, Kimberley has loved the sense of community amongst other students. “Everyone’s more than willing to put their hand up, and to go, check out this, look at that” assures Kimberley. “So you’re still getting that sense of belonging to a class and being part of something bigger than you”.

For anyone who isn’t sure about what to study, or about study at all – Kimberley would advise you to take on a Single Subject, to test the waters without the commitment of a full degree. As Kimberley says, “the only way to find out is to have a go”.

It’s never too late to make a change

Through OUA you can study online, at your own pace, from wherever you are. With everything you need, provided in your university’s online Learning Management System (LMS), you’ll experience uni just like an on-campus student, except you’ll have more flexibility to personalise your studies. While you’ll be studying in your own time and space, you’ll never be studying alone – OUA has a passionate community of online students, and a team of experts to help find the right study option for you, and assist you to manage your studies from start to finish.

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