5 OUA employees reflect on our Hack event
Over two jam-packed days during the 2024 Hackathon at Open Universities Australia, employees worked together to re-imagine an improved student experience. More specifically, they explored the theme: How might we better anticipate the needs of students, shaping a more impactful experience?

Reflecting on their involvement in the Hack, Open Universities Australia employees had the following to say.
What does the Hack at Open Universities Australia mean to you?
“It’s a permission. That same feeling you have when you tell your mum you really want to stay in instead of going to school and she goes “yes”. It’s the business trusting you, your expertise and your experience to tackle things in a different way. It’s also about collaborating with disciplines I don’t work with regularly.”
– Lou, Lead Marketing Automation Specialist
“Hack to me is a really great opportunity to put everything else you’re working on to the side and come together with OUAers you haven’t worked with before to focus on that one idea you’ve always wanted to explore.”
“Amongst an ever-growing list of transformative and optimisation opportunities, it can be hard to get that one thing you’ve really wanted to explore across the line. Hack is a great way to do just this, while connecting with OUAers from across the organisation, pushing your abilities, learning a thing or two and having a bit of fun along the way!”
– Jeff, Senior UX Designer
“To me, the Hack is a chance to unleash creativity under constraints. It’s about using limited resources and time to solve problems, explore ideas, or bring concepts to life through visualisation.”
– Neeti, Senior Product Manager
“The OUA Hack is one of my favourite events at OUA, as we often have lots of ideas throughout the year but very little time to focus on many of them. The Hack provides that opportunity to try out new things and by doing so continue to learn and develop.”
– Pete, Analytics Engineer
“It’s a unique opportunity to come together and work collaboratively with colleagues from different departments to create something meaningful.”
– Jack, Student Advisor
What has it helped you achieve at Open Universities Australia?
“Renewed empathy. For our students and for ourselves. We play such an important role and we have so many solutions at our fingertips. I’ve learnt a lot about behavioural tactics – specifically in how to support students in feeling validated (“yes you’re a uni student!) and heard.”
– Lou, Lead Marketing Automation Specialist
“It’s helped me achieve a greater connection with the members of my Hack team and develop a greater understanding of how their day-to-day work impacts our students. It’s also helped me understand how I can leverage this knowledge to deliver better experiences for our students.”
– Jeff, Senior UX Designer
“Hack days at OUA have been a refreshing break, allowing me to reset and focus on innovation for two days. They’ve provided an incredible opportunity to collaborate with cross-functional teams, working alongside colleagues with skills I don’t typically engage with in my day-to-day. It’s a chance to dive into new ideas, explore different perspectives, and learn concepts that spark inspiration.
My favourite moment? The Hack Marketplace demos! The energy is exhilarating—it’s where you test your public speaking, marketing, and selling skills in real-time.”
– Neeti, Senior Product Manager
“I have learned quite a few things in the 3 Hacks I've participated in, not just in my area but from all parts of the business due to having a mixture of team mates.”
– Pete, Analytics Engineer
“It’s been important in broadening my understanding of OUA’s operations and services. It’s given me an opportunity to see beyond my own role.”
– Jack, Student Advisor
When you reflect on the Hack, what do you feel?
“ENERGY!” – Lou, Lead Marketing Automation Specialist
“I feel a sense of pride and achievement in what we were able to deliver in just two days. Taking an idea from a bunch of rough sticky notes on a Miro board to a (mostly) designed and working prototype was a really amazing achievement. The icing on the cake was receiving the Moonshot Award in recognition of this!”
– Jeff, Senior UX Designer
“Reflecting on the Hack fills me with pride. It’s amazing to see how much teams can accomplish in just two days. The sheer level of innovation and creativity that surfaces when passionate people come together with limited resources is truly commendable.”
– Neeti, Senior Product Manager
“My first reflection (being overly competitive, as I am) is, "I gotta win one of these days", but then on second thought, it’s ‘how can we get some of these amazing ideas into production?’”
– Pete, Analytics Engineer
“It brings a sense of accomplishment. It’s an event that challenges us to think outside the box, push boundaries, and work towards solutions that directly impact the student journey.”
– Jack, Student Advisor
What advice would you have to employees who have never taken part but are thinking about it next year?
“Don’t overthink it, just dive in! Remember it’s a team game, so the more the merrier. You mightn’t think you have a lot to contribute, but you absolutely do. Everybody has their own unique insights, thoughts and ideas - no matter how big or small - that contribute towards producing a great outcome!”
– Jeff, Senior UX Designer
“I was hesitant this year. With the upcoming holidays and two time-sensitive projects on my plate, I felt overwhelmed and didn’t actively engage with the ideas initially. It was only at the last minute, when a colleague invited me to join their team, that I decided to give it a shot—and I’m so glad I did! It turned out to be an incredible experience.
"My advice? Let go of any doubts or reservations and dive in. You’ll be amazed at how energised and inspired you feel during the Hack. It’s a fantastic opportunity to learn new things, forge meaningful connections, and rediscover your creative spark.”
– Neeti, Senior Product Manager
“Everything can and will wait. Yes, you have something to offer to a team. Yes, you should make the time for it. Yes, speak to your People Leader. And if you’re still thinking “NO”? Bah humbug, come and talk to me!”
– Lou, Lead Marketing Automation Specialist
“Think hard about the Hack topic and put an idea out there when the time comes. Discuss it with others and refine it. Recruit your team early so they can come on the journey before the Hack even begins.”
– Pete, Analytics Engineer
“If you’re curious, give it a try! It’s an opportunity to step outside your usual role and connect with new colleagues. You’ll learn new ways of thinking and contribute to ideas that could directly improve student experience.
– Jack, Student Advisor
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