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  • Law & justice
  • Masters Degree

Course results for Masters Degree Law & justice Degrees

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  • Macquarie University


    Master of Cyber Security Analysis

    Help meet the global demand for cyber security experts

    Help public and private organisations cope with increasing levels of cyber crime. Respond to simulated cyber security threats. Choose from specialisations including cyber security analysis, cyber governance and management and 'Internetworking'.

    100% online

    Approx. 1.5 years full time or part time equivalent

  • Griffith University


    Master of Forensic Mental Health

    This degree is a collaboration with the Queensland Health Department's School of Mental Health

    Become a highly valued forensic mental health specialist able to practise at an advanced level. Study assessment, legislation and policies, research and evaluation. Examine interventions with offenders, justice and crime, law and behaviour.

    100% online

    Approx. 1.5 years full time or part time equivalent

  • Flinders University

    Get a global view of legal issues

    Examine the significance of international law as a means of regulating matters affecting relations among nation states. Prepare for work locally or internationally. Plan and execute a substantial research-based project in international law.

    100% online

    Approx. 1.5 years full time or part time equivalent

  • Charles Sturt University

    Prevent business crimes that pose a national security risk

    Learn how to identify signs of money laundering in your industry. Explore new regulations and threats that impact this work. Write a dissertation that brings your expertise to light. Graduate ready for a role in compliance, policy or criminal intelligence.

    100% online

    Approx. 1.5 years full time or part time equivalent

  • Macquarie University


    Master of Public and Social Policy

    A unique course in Australia

    Take a dual focus towards policy and social research. Learn how policy is shaped, before gaining skills to design and deliver your own. Use research to address sustainable communities, welfare, immigration, population health and more.

    100% online

    1 year full time or part time equivalent

  • Macquarie University


    Master of Intelligence

    Master the theory and practice of intelligence studies

    Dive deep into real world global intelligence issues. Secure practical skills analysing intelligence challenges. Think critically and make ethical judgements.

    100% online

    Approx. 1.5 years full time or part time equivalent

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  • Macquarie University


    Master of Criminology

    Interrogate the causes of crime and how society responds

    Engage with advanced criminology theory, applied criminological research and criminal justice policy analysis. Apply your theory to a range of crimes. Get an understanding of motivations, reactions, and how we can work to alleviate crime.

    100% online

    Approx. 1.5 years full time or part time equivalent

  • Griffith University

    Contemporary criminological theory in practice

    Deepen your knowledge of the justice system and gain insight into key policy debates and contemporary research methods. Graduates find roles in criminal justice related fields such as crime prevention, community health and local government.

    100% online

    Approx. 1.5 years full time or part time equivalent

  • Flinders University


    Juris Doctor

    Take up a flexible law degree that works for you

    Engage with an innovative model of postgraduate study grounded in problem-based learning. Start on a pathway to practice as a barrister and solicitor, or work in fields as diverse as commerce, consulting and advising, social justice and human rights.

    100% online

    3 years full time or part time equivalent

  • Charles Sturt University


    Master of Intelligence Analysis

    Prepare for a unique career as an intelligence expert

    Explore how intelligence is used in national security, business and policing contexts. Study intelligence collection techniques, global practices and leadership approaches. Make an impression on the field with a research dissertation.

    100% online

    1 year full time or part time equivalent

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