Explore 44 results by leading Australian Universities


  • Undergraduate
  • Computer science

Course results for Undergraduate Computer science Degrees

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  • Griffith University


    Bachelor of Computer Science

    Get ready to work at the cutting edge of technology

    Establish fundamentals in programming and maths, then choose to major in software development or data science and AI. Take part in the work-integrated learning program to build your connections and confidence—it could also help you land a dream job!

    100% online

    3 years full time or part time equivalent

  • Charles Sturt University


    Bachelor of Computer Science

    This IT degree offers a games programming specialisation

    Get a solid grounding in programming principles and databases. Explore how humans interact with computers and the internet. Touch on AI and consider a games specialisation if that’s what you’re passionate about. Accredited by the ACS.

    100% online

    3 years full time or part time equivalent

  • Torrens University Australia

    Investigate everything AI, from natural language processing to robotics

    This course helps you find and solve AI software problems. You’ll work on mastering industry-standard programming skills. And by collaborating in teams, you’ll develop negotiation, research, and professional skills. Co-developed with IBM.

    100% online

    3 years full time or part time equivalent

  • University of Tasmania

    Take your first step towards a career in IT

    Start building your foundational IT knowledge in networking and programming. Get thinking about your IT career and further studies. Pick the elective that points you in the right direction—computer science, hardware or business.

    100% online

    6 months full time or part time equivalent

    No ATAR required. Start with a subject.

  • Griffith University

    Delve deeply into the principles and use of computers

    Start with programming fundamentals then explore advanced elective topics. Majors include data science and software development. Includes industry-based work integrated learning. Focus your honours year on a detailed study of your research problem.

    100% online

    4 years full time or part time equivalent

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